are things supposed to be this hard?

you've been called a control freak once or twice. you know how to get things done, and done well. but now as a mom, there are 20,000 things to do and it’s easier to do them yourself instead of teaching your partner or your mom how to do it right. now you're exhausted and resentful.

you feel isolated but are desperate for you time. you feel drained and hopeless during what was supposed to be the happiest time of your life. the days move so slowly but your baby is growing so quickly. you check the clock constantly, to realize only ten minutes have passed. you pine for the end of the day, and then feel shame for wishing time away. your thoughts vacillate between worrying you’ll drop the baby to concluding that you are simply a bad mother.

this isn’t what you imagined. you envisioned yourself making sourdough while the baby sleeps in their carrier. you saw other women stress over nap schedules and you knew you would be the chill mom zipping about town with your baby in tow. you didn’t realize motherhood would swallow you whole, leaving nothing left for you. you wonder if other women feel this way. you try to suck it up and keep moving through the motions like you learned to do so long ago.

most of my clients grappling with overwhelm in new motherhood struggle to balance the many needs of their baby with their own well-being.

help for women struggling with a loss of identity

counseling for postpartum depression, anxiety, and overwhelm

i help my clients feel seen, balanced, and fulfilled.
through therapy, you will:

  • get to know yourself in your new life role

  • learn how to prioritize your needs without feeling guilty

  • feel more grounded and present in your day-to-day

  • recognize and challenge negative beliefs about yourself

  • gain practical coping skills for the overwhelm of parenting

therapy may be for you if:

  • you’ve lost your sense of identity

  • becoming a mother has made you feel like a failure

  • you had an unexpected or traumatic birth experience

  • you feel like you are white-knuckling your way through the day

  • you’ve had thoughts about yourself or your baby that scare you

  • you can’t remember the last time you did something for yourself